Nov 15, 2014

{ Dating a Designer }

So you want to date a Graphic Design well there are something you should be aware of. Their can be some side effects when it comes to dating a Graphic Designer. But you never really have to worry because you'll be serif and sound.

{1} You will get some amazing Snapchats, because almost all of us own and draw with a Touch Screen Stylus Pen

{2} You'll know the importance if choosing a font. You never want to send them something done in Comic Sans or Papyrus because you will never hear the end of it.

{3} You'll learn that a font is not the same as a typeface

{4} You'll have a serious case of work space envy. Its a true fact that every designer has a super clean workspace with plenty of room to do all the things that we need done.

{5} You now know every single argument for and against Comic Sans, but here's a helpful tip you should always be against it.

{6} You will now care about kerning. And trust me bad kerning is everywhere

{7} You will own magazines that only been bought of their design and layout. You may have a pile of magazines that will never go away.

{8} You will also have so many bottles, which were bought for their cool labels. On the plus side for this one you won't have to take out the recycling as much, because once the bottle is empty we tend to keep it.

{9} You'll find pencil shavings and eraser pieces everywhere, that's right everywhere.

{10} Half of your instagram feed is now filled with cool designers that they have introduced you to.

{11} You will now be able to recite the whole Pantone scale, and just as a warning there are around 336 to remember

{12} You are aware of the particular pain of being a Graphic Designer who prefers to use a PC at home

{13} You will come home one day to find your bookshelf color coded, and just about everything else in your house will be as well

{14} You will always get an amazing hand drawn or screen printed birthday card

{15} But at the end of day you'll know that they are just your TYPE

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